Save the Date for a Dominica Celebration!

Celebrate Dominican culture with us and meet some amazing voices of the Santo Domingo community! Located at the First Community Church North Campus, the event will include a variety of food trucks, music, salsa and merengue dance lessons, games, an FCC Children's Choir performance, and more. Dominica Rosario, founder of the Dominica School and Orphanage, will be speaking about her experiences with the wonderful school that she manages. She will be joined by her daughter, Athenas, and her friend, Yeritza, who both graduated from the DSO and have agreed to share their incredible singing voices on stage. Don't miss this chance to be a part of the love and power that defines the Dominican community, and to discover how you can make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children. 

The event will take place on Saturday, September 22nd from 5 pm to 7 pm. For updates and more information about the Dominica School and Orphanage, you can explore our website or like us on Facebook. All are welcome—it's sure to be fun for the whole family!